
Science - Moving and Growing - 2012

Science - Drugs and bugs - 2012

Find out more about Edward Jenner who was an English doctor and the pioneer of the smallpox vaccination and immunology.

Watch the video which tells the story of how Jenner discovered the smallpox vaccination.

Science - Drugs and bugs - 2012

Find out more about food hygiene and stopping the spread of harmful bacteria.

Science - Materials and their properties - 2012

The magic of science

Reversible and irreversible changes

Interactive Game Activities

Click on the link below to play an interactive game and find out more about reversible and irreversible changes

Now use your knowledge to solve this mission.

Watch these video clips and make notes about the reversible and irreversible changes.

Link for Video 1 - Melting and casting metals

Link for Video 2 - Chemical reactions during cooking

Video 3

Link to Video 4 - Volcano

Science - Phyical processes - 2011

The Way I See It

A variety of light sources, both natural and man-made, including examples of reflected light

Everyday examples of light and shadow