Art - Take One British Artist - 2012
David Atkins has established himself as an evocative painter of landscapes and, particularly, of the urban scene. His is a broad brush, the sweep and colour of it bold and clear, and he brings to the city the eye for transitory light and temperature and atmosphere that is more usually applied to rural landscape. With him we explore cities, not always in the bright clear Kodak light of the Canaletto imitator, but at dawn and sunset and often in the damp truth of autumn and the tenebrous contrasts of the street at night; his is the sometimes sceptical eye of the honest observer, seeing London and Dublin, New York and Barcelona, as we have all experienced them.
Bob Ross composition working from the background to the foreground:
Other types of landscapes:
DT - Enterprise Week - 2012
The theme for Enterprise Week is London. Use this site to find out more about our capital city.
Facts and information about London
Drawing the Tile
Scoring the Tile
Adding the Ink
Final Product
Design Technology - Food Technology - 2011
We all had fun making Indian sweets for our class assembly