Our first challenge was getting there! Despite the many ferry delays due to technical problems and a long time sat in traffic on a very hot coach we finally boarded the ferry. as you can see the crossing was fairly blustery!
Our first two activities were climbing and the trapeze. The trapeze was the most scary of all the activities due to the narrowness of the pole and the extreme height. To top it off, at the top you had to stand up and make a 'leap of faith' to catch the trapeze bar. Needless to say, Mrs Houlston and Mrs Dolman decided to supervise this activity from the ground.
All looking a little apprehensive!
Go Fin!
A fantastic climb by Georgia who fought back the tears and with shear determination (and lots of courage) made her way to the top.
Some excellent teamwork to get all three people to the top of Jacob's ladder.
Here goes the fastest climber of the group, aka 'tree monkey'.
Well done. Kie was determined (with lots of encouragement from Mrs Houlston and Mrs Dolman) to climb to the top of the ladder. He succeeded.
Some blurring eyed boys finally arrive for breakfast after a VERY late night!
And then it was time for water sports......
Anyone for archery?
What better to do with your spare time than to play football?
The exhausted disco goers make their way to bed.